“Coffee intake has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved cognitive function, protection against degenerative diseases, better heart health, and a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes,” says Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, a New York City-based dietitian and the author of Unapologetic Eating.

How much is a healthy amount of coffee?

That being said, when it comes to coffee (and so many delicious things), moderation is key. “There are varying opinions on the optimal ‘dose’ of caffeine,” explains Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP, a California-based functional medicine doctor and clinical nutritionist. “While the FDA may say three to five cups [of coffee] is safe, I recommend my patients stick to one to two cups, and not to drink any caffeine after midday to ensure no sleep disruptions that night.” Still, you can’t argue with the evidence that your daily coffee is an energy booster and a legitimate disease fighter. Read on for all of the health benefits of this pick-me-up drink.

Top Health Benefits of Coffee

Several studies have also shown that coffee intake can help prevent certain kinds of cancers, like colorectal, prostate, endometrial, and liver cancers. “Breakage of your DNA can ultimately lead to cancer and tumors, but one study found that dark roast coffee decreases that breakage, thereby reducing your risk of developing abnormal cancer cells,” Petersen says. RELATED: 7 Delicious (and Healthy!) Ways to Upgrade Your Next Cup of Coffee Not only that, but coffee is beneficial for our long-term brain health as well. “One study showed that drinking three to five cups of coffee per day at the midlife age was associated with a 65 percent decreased risk in dementia and Alzheimers late in life,” Petersen says. Several additional studies have yielded similar results, showing a reduced risk of Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimers. and cognitive decline. You’ll also want to be careful not to use coffee as a crutch. “I like to refer to coffee as a ‘fake energy’ because, while it’s a stimulant and will give you a temporary cognitive boost, for more sustainable energy you’ll need to go back to the basics of adequate sleep, regular meals, and good nutrition,” Carlton says. “If you find yourself drinking coffee to get through the day, you’re probably drinking too much.”